
  • 学校董事会的政策要求每所学校都有一个由家长、高中生、教师、社区成员、学校管理人员、非教学支持人员和社区合作伙伴组成的学校咨询论坛(SAF)。SAF为利益相关者提供了一个机会,就各种学校问题进行讨论和建议行动。咨询论坛旨在通过家长、学校和布劳沃德乡村学区之间的沟通、倡导和伙伴关系来改善教育经验。

    • 学校董事会政策规定
    • 主要目的是在利益相关者、学校和地区咨询委员会之间进行沟通
    • 主席必须是家长


  • 2024/25年度议程及会议纪要

    日期 时间 议程 纪要
    2024年8月   8月议程 8分钟
    2024年9月   9月议程 9分钟
    2024年10月   10月议程 10分钟
    2024年11月   11月议程 11分钟
    2024年12月   12月议程 12分钟
    2025年1月   1月议程 1分钟
    2025年2月   2月议程 2分钟
    2025年3月   3月计划 3分钟
    2025年4月   4月计划 4分钟
    2025年5月   会议程 5分钟

  • 政策及附则

    Dillard High School 6-12
    The name of this forum shall be the Dillard High School 6-12 School Advisory Forum (SAF). This Forum
    operates under Broward County School Board Policy 1.3: School Advisory Forum.
    Section 1: Mission Statement: The mission of the SAF is to foster and promote communication between
    its stakeholders, the school, and the Area Advisory Council. The SAF shall bring forth recommendations,
    concerns, and interests to and from their Area Advisory Council.
    Section 2: Duties:
    1. All duties will be advisory in nature, none of which will conflict with any of the powers and duties
    reserved by law, policy or administrative guidelines to the principal.
    2. Actively participate with the School Advisory Council in identifying the educational needs and priorities
    of the school.
    3. Actively participate with the principal in the preparation of the budget, and reviewing the budget- related
    concerns after each FTE count.
    4. Indicate awareness of the program and plans for the school by the signature of the chairperson on the
    budget when it is submitted for district budget preparation.
    5. Assist in the identification and coordination of the use of community resources to improve student
    achievement and school effectiveness.
    6. Address parent/community concerns; work with the administration to solve problems and to initiate
    desirable change.
    7. Assist in increasing/sustaining high levels of community support for the school.
    8. Assist in planning, developing and implementing parent/community programs and training activities.
    9. Participate in joint training opportunities with the School Advisory Council.
    10. In addition to individual School Advisory Forum meetings, hold semi-annual meetings jointly with the
    School Advisory Council.
    11. The School Advisory Forum shall use guidelines developed by the district, develop and adopt
    procedural bylaws, conduct meetings in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Laws, and conduct
    meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
    12. As an apolitical organization, officers and members are prohibited from using their titles and/or their
    positions to endorse, or give the impression of endorsing candidates for public office. In addition, public
    monies and/or materials may not be used to endorse candidates or further their campaigns.
    Section 1: Membership of the School Advisory Forum (SAF) shall be representative of the school
    community to include parents or guardians of the students enrolled in the school, students of the school,
    employees of the school, business partners of the school, community members and business people.
    Participation from all ethnic, religious, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds is welcome and
    Section 2: Voting Rights: Meetings are open to all but voting rights are granted only to members who are
    parents or guardians of the students who are enrolled in the school or matriculating to the school the
    following year, students of the school, employees of the school and business partners of the school. To
    vote at any meeting, members must sign in and show proof that they meet the above voting membership
    requirements, if requested.
    Section 1: Officers. The officers shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Recording Secretary.
    They should be elected annually at the final meeting of the school year but no later than the first meeting
    of the next school year.
    Section 2: Eligibility: The Co-chairperson and the Co-chairperson shall be a parent or custodial guardian
    of a student who will be enrolled and attending the school during their term of service and shall not be
    employed by the School Board of Broward County at the school where they will serve.
    Section 3: Term of Office: Elected Officers shall serve a period of one year or until their successors have
    been elected. They may be re-elected to that office for one consecutive terms.
    Section 4: Election of Officers: Nominations shall be taken in accordance with Article V, Section 2. The
    election shall be by a written and signed ballot when there is more than one candidate for any office. The
    ballots will be counted by a member of School Administration, a member of the Nominating Committee and
    a voting member of the Advisory Forum who is not on the ballot.
    Section 5: Co-chairperson Duties. The Co-chairperson shall have the following duties:
    a. Preside at all the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF meetings;
    b. Sign all correspondence as well as, distribute all correspondence to the elected officers of the Dillard
    High School 6-12 SAF;
    c. Attend all Area Advisory Meetings
    d. Attend the School Advisory Council meetings as a voting member or appoint a permanent designee
    to attend the meetings;
    e. Act in a professional, prompt and organized manner at all times and,
    f. Represent the majority opinion of the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF.
    Section 6: Co-chairperson Duties. The Co-chairperson shall have the following duties:
    a. Assume all the duties of the Co-chairperson in the event that s/he becomes incapacitated,
    unavailable, or must step down;
    b. Assist the Co-chairperson in performing his/her duties;
    c. Act in a professional, prompt and organized manner at all times.
    Section 7: Recording Secretary Duties. The Recording Secretary shall have the following duties:
    a. Ensure the recording of minutes at each Dillard High School 6-12 SAF.
    b. Present the minutes at the next Dillard High School 6-12 SAF meeting for review.
    c. Retain copies of all minutes of any Dillard High School 6-12 SAF meetings and committees.
    d. Transmit the approved Dillard High School 6-12 SAF minutes to the Principal and to such other
    persons as the Forum may direct. Retain copies of all the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF
    correspondences, chairperson’s reports, and meeting/committee reports
    Section 1: The Co-chairpersons will create such committees as may be required to promote the objectives
    of the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF. Once formed the committee members shall elect a Chairperson.
    Section 2: Nominating Committee: The Co-chairpersons will appoint a Nominating Committee at the
    general meeting no later than March. The Committee will consist of at least three members and always
    have an uneven number of members. At least one officer of the SAF shall serve on the Nominating
    Committee. The committee will elect a chairperson. The purpose of the Nominating Committee shall be to
    nominate one person to fill each elected position and to present this slate of officers at the general meeting
    where elections will take place. Additional nominations may be made from the floor when the elections are
    held. The Committee shall function according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
    Section 3: Each Committee Chair shall have the duty to update the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF, as
    necessary, at the monthly general meeting.
    Section 1: General Meetings: SAF shall meet regularly with the time, date, and place of future meetings
    decided by the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF with the understanding that all meetings will be held in places
    that are easily accessible to the public. Notification of all regular meetings shall be included in the minutes
    and announced per Florida Sunshine State law.
    The SAF shall meet at least twice a year with the Dillard High School 6-12 School Advisory Council with
    the time, date, and place of meeting to be determined by mutual agreement of the SAC and SAF.
    Notification of all special meetings shall be included in the minutes and announced per Florida Sunshine
    State law.
    Section 2: Special Meetings:
    a. A special meeting may be called when it is deemed necessary to conduct the business of the forum.
    The Co-chairpersons or a majority vote of the membership may call special meetings. Notification
    of all special meetings shall be included in the minutes and announced per Florida Sunshine State
    These bylaws of the Dillard High School 6-12 SAF may be amended at any regular meeting by a two/thirds
    affirmative vote of those eligible voters in attendance, provided that the amendment has been submitted
    in writing at the previous meeting. Any amendment must conform to the Broward County School Board
    Policy for School Advisory Forums; Policy 1.3.
    The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Dillard
    High School 6-12 School Advisory Forum.
    October 4, 2023


  • 外管局小组成员

    SAF主席- Teresa Campbell SAF秘书- Johnnye Fye - Bell
